About Past Life Readings
Knowing about your former incarnations can get you grounded and teach you how to redirect negative energy ultimately, resolving phobias, health and body issues. Knowing the basis of your sacred contracts can empower you to build strong boundaries for protection and teach you how to handle emotionally draining people and situations. Guiding other’s to achieve wisdom and understanding about their present day challenges, triggers change and healing.

Sacred Contracts Revealed
Teaching people about their soul’s origin can help them remember what their sacred contracts are. Part of our karma involving another person may stem from a promise or agreement made in a past life with that person, such as “I’ll never leave you.” After contacting the lifetime where the contract originated, I will connect with your primary guide and together, we will ascertain whether or not an actual outstanding debt or obligation exists. If we determine one does, then together we will find an appropriate atonement; revising your soul contract in a present day, supportive way.
Benefits of Past Life Work
- Resolution of relationships to problem people or situations.
- Energize talents and abilities from the past.
- Enhanced creativity and problem solving.
- Enhanced personal insight and mental clarity.
- Healing and elevating life experiences.
- Release fears linked to past life traumas.
- Accelerated personal growth and spiritual evolution.
- Development of personal essence and life-path.
- Experience transitional states of death and beyond.

a unique form of spiritual guidance
Using my gifts of pre and post cognition, I began providing past life readings as a form of spiritual guidance, in 2006. Pinpointing what your soul needs to accomplish in this life will rapidly dissolve blocks in your present emotional, mental and physical development. This can be comforting and boost your confidence bringing immeasurable peace in your life. I have seen beautiful transformations occur with just one of these sessions many times over. Browse Services and Rates.