
Introductory specials

I provide 15-minute introductory specials for new clients the cost is $25. These short sessions are designed to give new seekers an opportunity to get to know me and how I work in order to establish rapport. There are 4-services I provide with this special and they are listed on this page. These services are all provided by phone only at this time. Therefore, if you select the Animal Work session I will presume that you wish to discuss your animal companion via telephone. If you select the Soul by Phone™ option, I will allow the seeker to lead the discussion by asking 3-questions.

Animal Work

Animal communication is the process by which impressions, thoughts, images and feelings can be transmitted and received between beings of different species, via mental telepathy. I can connect with your deceased or lost animals.

Animal Work Sessions

Prayer Work

By tapping into divine grace I am able to directly intercede on an individual's behalf to relieve them of their mental, physical, and spiritual burdens. Distant prayer healing is awesome because it can take place anytime, anywhere.

Prayer Work Sessions

Past Life Work

Discovering past lives may be the key that opens the door to the source of phobias, or personality traits that are hindering you. Knowing the basis of your sacred contracts can empower you to build strong boundaries for protection.

Past Life Readings

Soul by Phone™

I provide animal work, distant prayer healing and past life readings via telephone. I offer Soul by Phone™ sessions on Tuesday and Thursday between 11 AM and 7 PM (CST). You may book me via my Contact Form or by calling my booking line at 210/816-1141.

Soul By Phone™